Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006 - 10:30 a.m.

MySpace Cheesiness

New Page 1

I signed up for one of those evil MySpace accounts back a couple of months ago.  Why?  I don't know.  Maybe just to keep up with friends and perhaps find people from my past.  But the whole thing is just reeks of stinky fromage. 

Why ask to add me as a friend if you don't know me or I don't know you?  I understand adding someone like a celebrity or a music group because let's face it, they are advertising.  But I really just want to keep up with people I know.  Its funny, because I created an UpStage Theatre profile and listed it as "male", well, because you have no choice but to list a gender, and the VERY FIRST friend request it got was from some skank ho who had over 500 friends, almost all men.  I think she was a stripper or something.  I immediately said "no thanks."  If I don't know a person, but we have a common interest such as Ren Fest performing, then I would rather be in a "group" with that person, and not add them to my list of friends.  Because in all honesty, while I am sure they are nice people, I don't know them, so we're not really friends.  Then my profile got a friend add request from a gal who is out at TRF who seems to know who I am, but I have NO idea who she is.  So I don't know what to do with her.  Usually, when I get these requests from people I don't know, I just ignore them.  I suppose I feel a little guilty for just turning them down outright.  But is it ruder to just ignore them?

Another thing that truly annoys me is when people post bulletins when they should really be blog entries.  I don't need to see the latest survey someone took, or quiz someone completed, or how someone is feeling at a particular moment.  Save those for the blogs.  I wish people would use the bulletins for announcements and for posting useful information that can be beneficial to someone, instead of announcing to everyone that they are bored.

I also get annoyed at the cheesy hacking that goes on and peoples' profiles being hijacked for the purpose of posting cheesy stuff like "dating" sites.  *Sigh*  Its all just one big cheese fest.

Song Virus du Jour:  "Hello Again"  ~ The Cars

Useless Trivia du Jour:  Ric Ocasek worked as a VP for Electra records for a while.  He was VP of A&R, whatever that is.

Preggo Craving du Jour:   Leftover homemade fettuccini alfredo from last night.

3 comments so far
- - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008
More updates on another blog home. - Wednesday, Feb. 06, 2008
Where are my zzzzzz's? - Thursday, Nov. 08, 2007
Halloween '07 - Friday, Nov. 02, 2007
Hallween is All Good! - Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2007