Your two cents worth:

Kat - 2006-01-22 17:59:51
I just found your diary via your banner ad. I read about your grandmother in law and I wanted to share a little bit of something I learned when my Mother in law was stuck on an extended stay in a rehab hospital. I don't know if it will help in your case, but I found that those that had the most decorations and mementos in their rooms had less of the hospital blues. We went and purchased some artificial flowers (dollar store) and strung them together to hang around the room, there were cards, we'd copied some of her favorite photos and hung them around her room. So even when she was stuck in bed (she'd had a bone and knee replacement done) she still had something to look at that would keep her spirits up. There were so many bright colors everywhere she looked.

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Tudordivalicious - Diaryland