Your two cents worth:

Dana - 2006-02-22 18:02:43
Oh my gosh, that is insane! I'm a total triva geek. Heck, I have Mental Floss magazine delivered! I love being a "know-it all" and I take pride in it! I hate that some people are totally willing to remain ignorant! You're awesome so don't worry about them! *BAH*
britt - 2006-02-23 07:47:22
you used the words "font" and "myriad". in complete sentences, no less. it's like you're hitting them in the face with the ignorance flag. and KUDOS to you for posessing the propensity to do so. SCREW EM if they can't take a polysyllabic word! that sucks that you had to deal with such an Ignorant, Small Minded group of people. i say, the more knowledge, the better!!
tudor-diva - 2006-02-23 09:43:08
"I was impressed to see her use of the word 'myriad' in her suicide note." And I AM awesome damnit! Thanks y'all! XOXOXOXOX

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Tudordivalicious - Diaryland