Your two cents worth:

britt - 2006-03-03 16:45:49
man, it makes me so Happy that you're going to have more time to help teach your child about his world. parents are ALWAYS a child's first teacher, but not always the best. i know that since travis' mommy is such a boundless fount of knowledge, he will be well armed with the tools he needs to fully experience the world. go you!!
tudor-diva - 2006-03-03 21:24:17
Thanks Britt! Yea me! And thank you for being so passionate about teaching!
Kat - 2006-03-04 22:26:04
My youngest son loves Boobahs and Teletubbies, not to mention his almost obsessive love of all things Elmo. His older brother laughs whenever the Boohbahs are one the TV though, he thinks it's hilarious when the 'pass gas' and are then launched up into the air and fly around the room. Seems they make this sort of farting noise and then fly up around the room. Oldest Son thinks it's a laugh riot. Me, it seems a bit disturbing sort of
Connie - 2006-03-05 01:55:41
Thanks for letting me know that I'm not crazy. I'd say something extra about your entry, but as I have no children, I have no experiences to talk about. Except that the cousin I babysat yesterday gave me her fever. *blink*

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Tudordivalicious - Diaryland