Saturday, Dec. 17, 2005 - 12:32 p.m.

Then, now, and beyond

Ah heck, why not do another entry. The kiddo FINALLY dropped off for nappies.

20 years ago I...
1. Turned 17.
2. Was 2nd chair in my high school symphonic band.
3. Thought Tom Cruise was the shit.

10 years ago I...
1. was probably looking for a job.
2. living with Tarik, *GASP* IN SIN!!
3. had just moved into a townhome.

5 years ago I...
1. had a decent job.
2. had just moved into my brand spanking new house.
3. quit smoking.

3 years ago I...
1. was looking for a job, again.
2. threw Tarik and Nina a surprise birthday party in July (Dec. 24 birthdays, both of them).
3. was the group leader of the Boleyns at the Texas Renaissance Festival.

1 year ago I...
1. had a baby.
2. spent Christmas at my parents' house right after my husband went back to Jordan.
3. was lonely.

So far this year I...
1. magaged to keep my kiddo safe and well, pretty much by myself.
2. flew to Amman, Jordan to visit my husband.
3. discovered and learned much about myself.

Yesterday I...
1. got a new cell phone; a Razr.
2. went to my office Christmas party.
3. felt pretty good about myself.

Today I...
1. did some house cleaning.
2. sat and ate with my son.
3. will go to a baby shower.

Tomorrow I will...
2. have my oil changed and my car detailed.
3. enjoy the quiet time in the evening with my son right before he falls asleep.

In the next year I will...
1. make mistakes, and do things right as a parent.
2. have my husband home for good.
3. love them both with all my heart.

Bonus Christmas song virus du jour: "Sleigh Ride"

0 comments so far
- - Wednesday, May. 21, 2008
More updates on another blog home. - Wednesday, Feb. 06, 2008
Where are my zzzzzz's? - Thursday, Nov. 08, 2007
Halloween '07 - Friday, Nov. 02, 2007
Hallween is All Good! - Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2007